Learn Life Saving Skills Whilst Shopping

Only one in six Londoners knows enough first aid to save a life


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Shoppers in Ealing are being given the chance to learn how to save a life…and it won’t cost a penny.

St John Ambulance is joining forces with the retailers at Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre to stage a series of events throughout 2013 – all designed to equip local people with the skills needed to cope with a serious medical emergency.

Recent researchby St John Ambulance revealed that only one in six Londoners (16%) knows even the most basic life saving skills.

And every year, up to 140,000 people die in situations where first aid could have given them a chance to live.

Wendy Brazier, Area Manager for St John Ambulance in Ealing, said: ‘These statistics are appalling. But we know we can dramatically reduce this unnecessary death toll by ensuring as many people as possible learn the basic skills needed to be the difference between a life lost and a life saved’.

‘By bringing first aid into a busy shopping centre, we can reach a broad range of people who might never have thought about what they’d do in a life or death situation. It could turn out to be the most valuable shopping expedition of their lives’.

The first aid events will start on 23 February with local St John Ambulance volunteers demonstrating how to save the life of someone who’s choking and a film showing the correct techniques to use will be shown on a screen donated by Argos.

Other events taking place over the coming months will include:

• March – local retailers promoting the St John Ambulance first aid app
• April – first aid tips for runners to coincide with the London Marathon
• May – learn how to resuscitate babies and young children with training sessions in participating stores
• June – tips for keeping safe in the sun
• July – cycling safety tips
• September – first aid demos as part of St John Ambulance’s national Save a Life September campaign
• November – Bonfire Night safety tips with demos at stores selling fireworks


Shopping Centre Manager, Stuart Hill said, ‘We are delighted to be working with such an important national charity and are excited to have the centre involved to host these events. We hope they will prove to be useful and impactful experiences for our shoppers’.

For information about joining or supporting St John Ambulance or learning first aid call 020 7258 3456 or email: joinus@london.sja.org.uk

For information and details of events happening at Ealing Broadway shopping centre visit www.ealingbroadwayshopping.co.uk or follow us on twitter.com/EalingShopping facebook.com/ealingbroadwayshopping






20th February 2013


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