Hanwell Community Forum Open Meeting

Tuesday 1 March St Mellitus Church Hall - 7.45pm


Growing Fears For the Future of Community Libraries

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Coming up for discussion:

We will be looking at an update on our information relating to Hanwell Library, and our plans to ensure its continuity.

For those fans of our wonderful walks along the Brent River and Grand Union Canal, we have some speakers from British Waterways who are coming to talk to us about their plans for maintaining the Hanwell Flight and clearing out the side ponds. They are pleading for volunteers, so look out your wellies and waders!!

We will also be providing an update on the planning process around the application by A2Dominion to build, now, 11 units rather than the originally proposed 13 units, on the site of the former Henry Paul Funeral Director's business on the Uxbridge Road at the corner of Shirley Gardens. [the original plans were unanimously rejected by local residents at the last meeting].

Pre-planning submission consultations are taking place on i) plans by Notting Hill Housing to replace the current industrial buildings at 21-27 Humes Avenue in Olde Hanwell with nine family houses (comments to Tanya Jordan of Cushman and Wakefield at tanya.jordan@eur.cushwake.com), and ii) a proposed project to provide play space in the open area with in the Pilgrim Estate on Tennyson Road off Greenford Avenue (closing date for consultation 3 March - www.ealing.gov.uk/consultations). We will be looking at the proposals for each of these.

Please also note that our advertised date for the April meeting has changed. We will be sharing this meeting with Hanwell Village Green Conservation Area Residents' Association, and it will now take place on Monday 11 April, starting 7.45pm, in the upstairs Club Room at Brent Valley Golf Course, Hanwell W7 3BE (Cuckoo Lane/Church Road junction). There is plenty of space for parking cars and bicycles for those of you who can't quite face the walk!

We have invited Alex Warleigh-Lack, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Brunel University, to talk to us about the Alternative Vote Electoral System and the upcoming referendum on 5 May 2011, as well as the Localism Bill and its potential implications for us in Hanwell, should it become law.

25th February 2011


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