Tickets Go on Sale for this Year's Ealing Comedy Festival

Acts include Ross Noble, Kerry Godliman and Dara O'Briain

Crowds in the Big Top in Walpole Park. Picture: Headliners Comedy



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May 23, 2024

The Ealing Comedy Festival returns to Walpole Park this year with a host of top acts over four evenings between 18 and 26 July.

Tickets are now on sale for the big top with names such as Ross Noble, Kerry Godliman and Dara O’Briain likely to be a draw.

Prices start at £26 plus booking fee. Gates open at 6pm with a 7.45pm start time for the shows.

The event is part of a season of festivals in the park on Mattock Lane beginning on 10 July with the CAMRA Beer Festival and including blues, jazz and Latino music running through to 4 August.

Thursday 18 July: Opening Gala
Hosted by Ross Noble and featuring Maisie Adam, Scott Bennett, Jeff Innocent, Laura Lexx, Olga Koch, Catherine Bohart + Anuvab Pal

Friday 19 July: Triple Header
Kerry Godliman, Troy Hawke, Sam Campbell + Neil Delamere

Thursday 25 July
Dara O’Briain, Jo Caulfield, Ian Stone, Stephen K Amos MC 

Friday 26 July: Closing Gala
Hosted by Joel Dommett and featuring Dominic Holland, Alexandra Haddow, Terry Alderton, Marcel Lucont, Ria Lina + Special Guests


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