Christmas Carol Services

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International Presbyterian Church

19 December Our Morning Carol Service starts at 10:30am - Thames Valley University Students’ Union Building

Our Evening Carol Service will start at 6pm - 53 Drayton Green, West Ealing Followed by mince pies and mulled wine.


St Stephen Ealing : St Stephen's Road , Ealing , London , W13 8HB

19th December Carol Service 2010 at 4:30 PM for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

24th December Christingle Service and Family Carols at 4:30 PM for ¾ hour


19 December 4.30pm Marie Curie Cancer Care are holding a Lights to Remember Service around the Christmas tree in the marketplace in Acton at 4.30pm

Join us for a short non-religious service with carols, readings and mince pies, and an opportunity to remember absent loved ones this Christmas.

To sponsor a light on our Christmas tree visit


Do you know of any more? send to


17 December 2010

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