Police Renew Appeal After West Ealing Rape

Images released of man they would like to question

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Do you know this man?

Contact PC Tomlinson or DC Stuart O'Brien on 020 8733 3390 - if you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



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Police are issuing images of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the rape of a woman in West Ealing over two years ago.

The incident happened on the 27 September 2011 after the victim, a woman aged in her 20s, met the man in a pub in the Broadway, Ealing that afternoon.

The pair talked and, on leaving the premises, the man asked the victim to go back home with him for a drink and she was attacked.

Officers have carried out extensive enquiries since the incident but have been unable to trace this man.

PC Anneliese Tomlinson of the Met's Sapphire Unit, part of the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command, said:

"We have exhausted all existing lines of enquiry and are now appealing to the public to help trace this man. We believe he has links to the West Ealing area and is a regular visitor, particularly to local pubs.

"Although it is over two years since this incident, we hope someone may recognise him and contact us with that information."

If you recognise this person, or have any information which may assist this investigation, please contact PC Tomlinson or DC Stuart O'Brien on 020 8733 3390 - if you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


14th January 2014