Traffic Wardens Strike - A Step Closer?

Council vote to contract out work to private firm

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Ealing councillors have voted to contract out the jobs of the borough's traffic wardens to a private company.

The civil enforcement officers (CEOs) have been employed in house by the local authority but at tonight's full council meeting (Tuesday 26, January) it was agreed the service should be handed over to NSL, formerly NCP.

The CEOs say the new company will be more concerned with generating money rather than maintaining law and order and are fearful for their employment rights.

John Noblemunn from Unison said :'' We're disappointed with this result. Staff have already had an indicative ballot - not an official one - but are prepared to take this further if necessary.''

Labour group leader Julian Bell says the decision is:'' Bad for the public and bad for the workforce.''

He says Labour will be calling in the decision for review by the scrutiny committee.

January 26th, 2010