More Wallabies Killed at Bunny Park

Police investigating series of attacks at Brent Lodge

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Wallaby Decapitated at Bunny Park


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Two more wallabies have been murdered at Brent Lodge Animal Park in Hanwell - the second attack in the last month.

In October keepers were horrified to discover a wallaby called Bruce decapitated. It is not yet known if the crimes are linked - or whether foxes could be responsible for this latest incident.

It's thought the most recent attack on the two animals happened on Wednesday evening last week.

A/DI Steve Mayes, said 'We are increasingly concerned regarding the incidents in the Park.  It is visited by many families and they will be upset about this second attack.

''These sorts of incidents are very unusual and we are determined to find the person (s) responsible.

''Our wildlife team are investigating. If you have any information in relation to this incident, please contact wildlife officer PC Sara Lowe at Ealing Police on 020 8721 7135 or ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.''

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for transport and environment: "I am utterly disgusted that someone has broken into the park for a second time and killed these gentle animals. 

'' Three new wallabies were brought in this week to keep Rolph company after his companion died in the previous attack.  It's awful to think that within days of arriving in their new enclosure they have been attacked. 

''We are installing CCTV at the site and in the meantime we have introduced additional overnight security patrols. The surviving wallabies are being moved to an alternative location overnight to keep them safe.

''We are continuing to work closely with the police and I would urge anyone with any information to come forward."

There have been no arrests and police say they haven't ruled out that foxes may be responsible for the latest deaths and at this stage they are keeping 'an open mind'.

23rd November 2011

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