Police Appeal After Waitrose Robbery

Man injured during raid at supermarket


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Police are appealing for information after a 63 year old security guard was injured during a robbery at Waitrose in West Ealing.

It happened at 0655hrs on Friday 8th February when a Loomis Cash In Transit crew were making a delivery/collection of cash from a Waitrose store in Alexandria Road, Ealing, W13.

Police say a lone black male suspect attacked a crew member with an iron bar and stole a cash box containing a quantity of cash.

Ambulance officers attended and the security guard was taken to a West London hospital suffering non-life threatening injuries.

A Waitrose spokesman said: '' We immediately called the police and looked after the security guard who was understandably shaken by the experience. We're very grateful that nobody was hurt more seriously and wish the guard a speedy recovery.''

The suspect made off to an unidentified vehicle parked off Alexandria Road, the vehicle was last seen heading along Drayton Green Road towards The Avenue.

The man is described as black, between 5"8 and 5"10 tall, slim build, wearing all dark coloured clothing.

Prior to the robbery he was seen walking up and down the footway which runs between Waitrose in Alexandria Road and Drayton Green Road.

DC James Mess, Flying Squad said :'We are appealing to anyone who was in the area at the time to contact us you have any information which may help please call us on 020 8358 1751 or 101 alternatively to contact us anonymously call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111."


14th February 2013



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