Volunteer This Week

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Volunteers Week

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It's National Volunteers' Week and everyone's invited to the Ealing Volunteer Centre in the Lido Centre, West Ealing, to find out more.

Volunteers’ Week is an annual event which celebrates the contribution that millions of volunteers make across the UK. The week plays a huge part in raising the profile of the millions of volunteers who regularly contribute to society, while inspiring others to get involved too.

To highlight this contribution, there is a burst of activity during 1-7 June when a host of organisations from the public, private and charity sectors will hold parties and award ceremonies to thank their volunteers. and highlight their contribution to local groups and the wider community, while individuals are encouraged to use the Week to find out more about volunteering.

There are a huge range of roles that people can get involved in - from restoring steam trains to mentoring young people.

Advice sessions take place at Ealing Community Resource Centre in West Ealing from Monday 1 to Friday 4 June between 10am and 1pm.



JUNE 2, 2010



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