Christmas Tweet Time - Meet Your Ealing Neighbours

West London's biggest Social Media event - the Tweetup tonight!


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The Ealing Tweetup is a regular event that brings Twitter users together from across West London. It attracts a wide range of different people, as diverse as: journalists, IT workers, PR Professionals and local business people, who all want to network and meet their virtual buddies in the real world.
We ask organiser Hayden Sutherland a little more about it:

It’s just for geeks isn’t it?
Most definitely not. Social Networks such as Twitter are now used by so many people from all walks of life it is impossible to pigeon-hole them as one sort of person. Sure, the early adopters of Twitter several years back were more technical, but these days we have so many different people come along.

What happens at a Tweetup:
Most Tweetups are informal get-togethers in pubs or similar places and are typically low key. However the Ealing Tweetup has a huge tradition over the last couple of years of being both popular (around 200 people attended the last one in September) and playing live music…. and this one is no exception. Music on the night is provided by duet Dare To Be Charlie and there’s over 35 people who have said they are coming along

How do you participate?
Well, the most obvious way is to come along to the Rose & Crown pub on the 1st December and introduce yourself to the group. However for those who cannot attend, they can still follow the hashtag #ealingtu and see what is being said (as well as the occasional photo posted).

When does it start?
Most people are getting there from around 7pm and it goes onto 11pm (or later).

Yes, if you want a free drink on arrival then you just need to sign-up to the Ealing Today newsletter here:

Where to I sign-up?
Well, you can just come along on the night, you don’t need a formal invite. However if you are on Twitter you can confirm your attendance by signing-up here:

Hayden Sutherland


01 December 2011


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