Charity Concert Raises Thousands for Heart Screening

Ealing Choral Society provide boost for the Tom Clabburn Fund

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Back Row (left to right)

Harriet Cass (BBC Radio 4 Newsreader), Rev. David Deboys (Vicar, St Barnabas), Paul Clabburn (Tom’s father), Chris Wickenden (Haven Funeral Services, programme sponsor), Charlie Pearson (representing M&S, refreshments sponsor)


Front Row (left to right)

Jonathan Williams (Conductor ECS), Claire Prosser (Tom’s mother), Mayor of Ealing Cllr John Gallagher (President of Ealing Choral Society), Ellen Clabburn (Tom’s sister), Shane Beadle (Chairman, ECS)




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There will be more heart screenings for young people available next year after a charity concert raised a massive £4000.

Ealing Choral Society’s carol concert on Saturday 10 December at St Barnabas Church was in aid of the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund, a local charity.

Tom, from Elers Road in W5, died in October 2007 aged 14.

He was one of the 12 young people, aged between 14-35, who the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) say die each week from undiagnosed heart conditions.

The fund was set up in his memory now raises money and awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young and organises free heart screenings in west London for young people aged 14-35.

In the presence of the Mayor of Ealing, Councillor John Gallagher (Ealing Choral Society's president), the 70 strong choir conducted by Jonathan Williams sang traditional and less well known carols to an audience of 350 people.

BBC Radio 4 Broadcaster Harriet Cass, Christopher Wickenden of Haven Funeral Services (sponsor of the concert programme), Tom’s sister Ellen Clabburn and Charlie Pearson (representing M&S, sponsors of the refreshments) were among those giving seasonal readings.

Tom’s father Paul Clabburn said : "We very much appreciate the society making Tom's Fund and CRY the beneficiary of their charity concert. It was brilliantly organised and ECS made what could have been a difficult occasion very easy for us.

'' We were thrilled by the turn-out which has guaranteed that we will be able to sponsor more free heart screenings for young people in Ealing in 2012."

The evening was rounded off with mince pies and wine after the concert.

  December 14th 2011

Contact: CRY, 01737 363 222,,

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