'It Hurts My Hand' - Excuses Why Mail Might Not Be Delivered Properly

Fears that confidential letters could be stolen

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TNT postbike

(image from David Hawgood under Creative Comms (CC) license)



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TNT - the orange clad biking postal delivery firm - have angered local residents after coming up a with a number of excuses for not pushing their mail through the letter boxes.

Ian Richardson - chair of Ascott Avenue Residents Association - complained to the private company after constantly seeing his mail sticking out the wrong side of the door.

He received apologies and assurances that the matter would be dealt with but says the problems have continued.

He said: '' I'm not alone, I know of at least six others who are unhappy with this service. We're talking about confidential letters like medical or bank details, not delivering them properly and it's just not on.''

Mr Richardson challenged one of the delivery workers who initially told him he couldn't get the mail through because 'the box was too small'. When it was pointed out that this obviously wasn't the case, he was then told that he couldn't do it properly because 'it hurts my hand'.

Another resident was told he didn't have his mail pushed through fully because he had a dog... he doesn't.

TNT, is the UK's largest private mail delivery firm, handling more than 300m letters and parcels a year for customers including Tesco, Barclays, BT and Sky, as well as public sector clients such as hospital trusts and local authorities.

It began its trial delivering to the west London area in April last year, and whilst not disclosing future plans Nick Wells, chief executive of TNT Post UK said at the time "Clearly we don't expect this trial to fail."

There have been other problems with the the TNT service, Ealing Today members have reportedly seen workers cycling at full speed on pavements.

Mr Richardson has contacted local MP, Angie Bray, who says she will take up his concerns with the firm.

Ealing Today has contacted TNT regarding the complaints and is awaiting reply.




10th January 2013 

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