Murray Road Tights Fetish Rapist Jailed

Police say 'streets of west London safer without him'

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Myles Thompson- Edwards jailed for 9 years


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A man from Murray Road in W5 with a fetish for women's tights has been jailed for rape and sexual assault.

Myles Thompson-Edwards, 25,was sentenced today, Thursday 5 September, at Isleworth Crown Court for the attacks which occurred during separate incidents in west London last year.

Having pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at the same court on 9 July, he was sentenced as follows:

= 1 x rape: sentenced to 9 years
= 1 x assault by penetration: sentenced to 5 years
=1 x sexual assault: sentenced to 4 years

In the early hours of 22 January 2012, Thompson-Edwards approached a woman as she walked in Blondin Park, Windmill Road, W5. He forced the victim, then aged 36, to the ground before assaulting and raping here.

Later that year on 3 November 2012, Thompson-Edwards struck again. Officers were called to an alleyway off Swyncombe Avenue, W5 after a woman had been sexually assaulted. The woman, then aged 27, was grabbed by the suspect and then assaulted.

Detectives from the Met's Complex Case Team investigated the incidents and arrested Thompson-Edwards at an address in Murray Road, W5 on 4 November 2012. On searching his bedroom, a number of pairs of woman's tights were found. He was bailed while forensic enquiries were carried out and charged on 8 February.

Thompson-Edwards subsequently pleaded guilty to one count of rape, one count of assault by penetration (both in relation to the incident in Blondin Park) and one count of sexual assault in relation to the offence in Swyncombe Avenue, W5.

One count of rape and one count of sexual touching were requested to lie on file.

Detective Chief Inspector Adam Lowe of the Complex Case Team within the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command, led the investigation.

He said: "The evidence recovered identified Thompson-Edwards as having a fetish for women's tights and he clearly acted on this fetish when he attacked his victims.

"The streets of West London are safer without him. The offences he has been linked to span a 20-month period and it is possible that others have been the victim of this man.

"If you believe that this may be the case please contact police locally by 101 or through my team on 020 8217 6538."


September 5, 2013