St Mary's Road Tesco Consultation Deadline Extended

Council say 'high level of interest' in planning process

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Cons MP Angie Bray (above)

Labour PPC for Ealing Central and Acton Rupa Huq

Locals Kept 'In The Dark' Over Tesco Application

United in Opposition To St Mary's Road Tesco


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Ealing Council has extended its deadline for comments over plans for a new Tesco after receiving hundreds of objections.

Local people living near the proposed site on St Mary's Road were angry about the initial lack of notice - many said they had no knowledge of the application until it was brought to their attention on Ealing Today and social media outlets.

Objectors don't believe the former Oporto/Eatalian's site is suitable for a new supermarket and express concerns about the location, traffic issues and the impact of delivery lorries.

The Ealing Central and Acton Conservative MP, Angie Bray along with her opposite number Labour's PPC, Rupa Huq, are both supporting the campaign and attended meetings with protestors last week.

Ealing Council has now sent notice that because of the high level of interest 'in excess of 200+ for each application' people could now send in comments until 31st October.

There will also be more visable A3 notices in the area informing interested parties about the planning application.

Tesco say they have submitted their application and await a decision from council officers.




Planning applications can be viewed here
(ref PP/2014/4452 +PP/2014/4453)

Online comments can still be lodged by email : 





17th October 2014