Ealing Men in Court on Terrorism Charges

Remanded until Old Bailey trial


Ealing Terror Suspect Freed Without Charge

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Two men from Ealing and another man from East London are accused of travelling to Pakistan for terrorism training.

Richard Dart, 29, from West Ealing , Imran Mahmood, 21 from Northolt and Jahangir Alom, 26, from Stratford along with Ruksana Begum, 22, from North London appeared before Westminster Magistrates' Court today.

The men are charged with preparing for acts of terror, between July 2010 and July 2012.

They are alleged to have travelled to Pakistan and elsewhere for training in terrorism and to have provided information to others about how to obtain terrorism training in Pakistan and terrorism training.

Ms Begum was charged with possession of a digital memory card containing a document likely to be of use to a terrorist.

They were all arrested earlier in the month during a Metropolitan Police operation.

All four were remanded in custody until 31 July for an Old Bailey trial.

19th July 2012




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