Top Marks for Teechers - Review

Amateur dramatics society celebrates 45th anniversary

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Photo: David Cook

Theatre West Four

The Questors Theatre


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A West London amateur dramatics society is celebrating its 45th birthday and gets ten out of ten for its new production in Ealing.

Teechers, by John Godber, is currently being staged at the Questors Theatre by Theatre West Four.Godber - a former drama teacher has written vividly and comically about his experiences. Teechers, although fictional is set in a struggling comprehensive school in the North of England.

Although written in 1987 the play manages to stand the test of time and judging by the largely youthful audience on opening night (Wed 4th Nov) it still has great appeal.

This lively cast of just 10 play a variety of parts and switch between them seamlessly.

Joanne Hemingway from Theatre West Four says it's really fun to perform:

“ It's a comedy with some wonderful lines. All the cast are playing children who in turn are playing their teachers in an end of term production. I think we have all enjoyed releasing our inner child!''

This certainly isn't an easy play - with so much going on and characters changing mid-scene it demands concentration from the audience as well as the actors.

However the cast pull it off with energy and enthusiasm and a receptive audience left them in no doubt that it was a great success.

Notable performance highlights include Jimmy Smallwood, as Mr Nixon, Patrick Neyman as a hilarious Oggy Moxon, Jaqueline Rogers and Caitlin Brown as Gail and Hobby and a thoroughly delightful Mrs Parry played by Katie Mawby.

This ensemble have worked hard under the skilled direction of Emma Charnley and standards were high all round. Despite it being the first night Theatre West Four produced a slick and engaging production worthy of any professional stage.


Teechers is playing at the Questors Theatre in Ealing from 4th – 9th November 2009.


(Parents are advised that the play contains strong language)



Annemarie Flanagan

November 4, 2009










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