Now You See It - Now You Don't

Street art or offensive graffiti?



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Just before the torch was due in Ealing this colourful piece (below) by street artist Mau Mau appeared on the side of a privately owned warehouse - where he had permission to paint.

His work was a comment on the Games' alleged corporate and environmental impact.

Council Leader Julian Bell spotted the art on the wall near Bond Street and commented on twitter - '' It seems we have an Olympic Banksy in #Ealing - This urban art appeared yesterday''.

Six days later it was whitewashed over by the Council.

The artist Mau Mau told the BBC: '' "I kind of expected it (for it to be cleaned). I guess someone deemed it was offensive to the public.

"It's about the brand police they have now - it's crazy how they're going about it."

A spokeswoman for Ealing Council said:

"We removed graffiti from this site following a complaint from a member of the public. This is in line with our policy to remove all reported graffiti as soon as possible, unless we have been made aware in advance that it is there with the consent of the building owner and it is not offensive."

Was it offensive? What do you think?




26th July 2012

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