Violent Attack on Couple at Southall Station

Police release CCTV images of man they want to question

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Police are appealing for information after a couple were violently assaulted in an unprovoked attack at Southall station.

Investigators have released CCTV images of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the incident, which took place on Wednesday, 16 October.

Detective Constable Martin Coburn, the investigating officer, said: “A man entered the station around 6pm, armed with a bottle. After throwing beer all over the ticket office counter, the man smashed the bottle on the counter before walking down to the platform

“He then approached a man and woman, who were waiting for a train and began using offensive language.

“Completely unprovoked the man then punched the victim in the face causing a deep cut to his mouth. The man continued to attack the victim before other passengers stepped in to intervene and pulled him away.”

As a result of the attack, the victim required a number of stitches to his lip.

Officers are continuing their investigation by reviewing CCTV from the station, local area and shops close by to establish the full picture of exactly what took place.

DC Coburn added: “This attack was a violent attack and at a busy time for the station and we know many people witnessed the incident.

“If you recognise the man pictured, or helped to diffuse the situation, I’d urge you to come forward and assist detectives in this investigation.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 quoting background reference B2/LNA of 21/10/2013. Information can also be passed to the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.





1 November 2013