Northfield Avenue Concert to Help Homeless

A donation of one tin of food can make a difference




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Ealing residents are set to help feed hundreds of the local homeless community by attending a live concert with an entry fee of just a can of food. 

On 14 November, the 21-Ten charity will once again host its annual Moment of Truth concert in aid of the Ealing Soup Kitchen.

Now in its fourth year, the concert will see five singers performing original tracks with support from a live band. A total of 60 children and adults have volunteered their time and talents to entertain the masses and raise awareness of this worthy cause.

Ealing Soup kitchen has seen increased demand over the past year, a likely result of the current economic climate, but the 21-Ten team is committed to help them meet this demand. By continuing its mission, ‘let’s change the world, let’s feed everyone’, they have produced great music and created an entertaining night out for all the family.

Roy McEwen, one of the producers of 21-Ten said “This year’s event is going to be bigger and better than ever before. We have so much support from the local community, nothing can stop us. We are all very grateful.”

“The Moment of Truth concert raises awareness of a growing local issue”, continued McEwen. “We want people to see how small contributions make big differences to those in need".

Each year, over 500 people attend the charity event taking at least two tins of food. With more people expected this year, the event could collect over 1,000 tins of food for the soup kitchen.

In addition to the singers, there will also be special performances from a youth dance group, DJ The Big E, balloons for kids, followed by refreshments. There will also be free goody bags with items donated by local businesses including Holland & Barrett, O2 and The Body Shop.

21-Ten will also launch its first Album Soul Food at Moment of Truth and anyone attending will have the opportunity to purchase the album before anyone else.

It all kicks off at 7pm on Saturday 14 November 2009 at Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, W5 4UB.




21-Ten is a charity formed in 2006 with the aim of producing original music entertainment, family oriented through its annual concert, Moment of Truth. The charity is highly supportive of the Ealing Soup Kitchen, a project which is geared towards feeding the hungry and homeless around the London Borough of Ealing.

For more information contact Roy McEwen or Cordelle Ofori on 020 3051 1964 or email ; .


November 10, 2009

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