Smoking Out Ealing's Illegal Shisha Cafes

First business in borough fined after health investigation


A shisha pipe

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Customers have been found smoking shisha pipes in a badly ventilated area of an Ealing cafe during a health and safety investigation.

Parkbox Limited, who have the 'hubbly-bubbly' pipes at the lounge bar and grill at Mattock Lane, Ealing, pleaded guilty to the offence at Ealing Magistrates Court on Friday 28 September.

The company was fined £1,666 and ordered to pay the council’s costs of £994.90 and a victim surcharge of £15, totaling £2675.90.

Officers visited the business on a number of occasions where they witnessed at least 15-20 customers smoking shishas and cigarettes in a largely unventilated area. The area was covered by a modified plastic marquee that did not meet the minimum requirement of 50% permanent ventilation, with three sides totally enclosed and the fourth only partially opened.

Parkbox Limited is the first business in Ealing to be charged for breaching a smoking and ventilation law under the Health Act 2006, and two other businesses are currently awaiting trial.

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for community services and safety, said: “Air quality should never be compromised and these laws are extremely important in enforcing a positive attitude towards public health and safety. This is another example of the council cracking down on non-compliant businesses and I hope this success serves as a warning that we will take action against those breaking the law.”

Parkbox Limited and the lounge bar and grill where it operates from have applied to the council for a license to convert the roof top into a better ventilated shisha and smoking area.

Anyone who is concerned that a business is breaching health and safety regulations should email or call 020 8825 6666.


11th October 2012


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