Electoral Commission Closes Investigation Into Ealing MP

Following allegations that an undisclosed donation helped pay for Election party


Election Party of MP Under Investigation

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Ealing Southall Labour MP, Virendra Sharma, has been cleared of any wrong doing after allegations that he received an impermissable donation for an election victory party.

The Electoral Commission have written to Mr Sharma to confirm that he did not receive any such donation and had no connection with the alleged donation either directly or indirectly.

They say the matter having being investigated by them is now closed.

Virendra Sharma said: ''From the beginning I was very happy to co-operate with the Electoral Commission in order to set the record straight. I am delighted that they have unequivocally concluded that these allegations against me were false. It is always difficult when untrue allegations of this nature are made and I am very pleased that my name has been cleared by the impartial Electoral Commission.''





21 December 2011


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