The Charity of a Riot-Hit Shopkeeper

Seba owner says he will give away recovered property


How it was last August

West Ealing - Bloodied But Unbowed

Shocking Night of Violence and Destruction

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The owner of Seba Electronics in West Ealing, which was looted during last summer’s riots, says he will donate recovered goods to the less fortunate.

Bridj Sehgal, 80, lost more than £200,000 worth of property in the troubles last August but police have now recovered some of it.

The shop was totally ransacked on the night of August 8th but the octogenarian says he - and the shop - have bounced back.

Mr Sehgal said his business was not just back on it's feet but 10 times better than it was before and he bears no grudge against the looters.

He doesn't know when he will get his property back but planned to give it away to those in need.

Last week two looters walked free from court after admitting handling stolen goods from Seba Electronics.

Santos St John, 30 from Islington, and Clive Owori, 24, from Hackney both received suspended sentences, were ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, given four-month curfews from 6pm to 3am and banned from driving for a year.

The two were caught on CCTV stealing from the shop, and admitted they carried out the theft but were both spared prison at Wood Green Crown Court.

7th March 2012


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