More Primary School Places To Cope With Surge in Births

Four schools in Ealing to expand


New School to Open Earlier Than Planned

GCSE Results for Local Schools Published


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Ninety new places will be created at four schools in Ealing, Hanwell and Northolt to cater for a surge in birth rates in the borough.

Ealing Council’s Cabinet last night agreed that Brentside and St Mark’s primary schools should each have their admission numbers expanded by 15 places, increasing each school’s reception year intake to 60 pupils from September 2011.

Hobbayne Primary School will have its capacity increased by 30 pupils, meaning 90 will be admitted to reception from September 2011 onwards.

Wood End Junior Foundation School will also increase its intake by 30, admitting 120 pupils into year 3 from September 2012.

Ealing Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Ian Gibb, said:

“Birth rates are rising across the borough and the council has to plan for this growth. We want to ensure that we not only have enough school places for local children, but also that these places are delivered with the needs of local families in mind. Above all we want to avoid primary school children having to commute across the borough because there are no places at their local schools.”

The plans were subject to a four week statutory consultation and the views expressed by residents, parents and schools during the consultation period were taken into account by the Cabinet when making its decision.

The next step is for the council to apply for planning permission to carry out building work at the schools to cater for the extra pupils.

Some schools may also have ‘bulge years’ in September 2010, prior to the permanent expansions which take effect from September 2011.

All Cabinet decisions are subject to call in for a period of five working days from the date of publication of the minutes of the meeting.




January 27th,2010

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