A Shocking Night of Violence and Destruction

But Community clean-up planned for this morning

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Images taken from twitter

This shocking video (which contains bad language) shows looters on Bond Street.


This video taken at 1am from Metalnik621 shows burned cars, crashed shops and a building set in fire... http://www.youtube.com/user/Metalnik621

Cars in Ealing from @PaulLewis http://yfrog.com/h2fugkzj

Newsagent looted from @jasonrosam

The Village Green Shop from@tostado73 http://yfrog.com/z/keqa5jkj

Scenes from this morning

Firefighters dampen down @jasonrosam - roof destroyed of Ealing Green shop

ealing riots

More images from twitter @Mrsfran http://www.flickr.com/photos/missfrantical/sets/72157627267316627/


The Clean-up is planned for 10am this morning - meeting at The Black Horse.

Council Leader Julian Bell says:

Hi all #riotcleanup in #ealing tomorrow. Ealing horse at 10am. Bring gear. Lets show the yobs!

9 August 2011



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