Ealing Must Be Heard - Local MP Speaks Out on Riots

Angie Bray says those who took part must face full force of the law


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"Ealing Town Centre was devastated by a riot which broke out after dark around Ealing Broadway station. Hundreds of youths went on the rampage, smashing windows of shops and looting, terrifying people in cafes and pubs and setting fire to buildings. One man lies critically ill in hospital after trying to put out a fire in a bin and being viciously attacked. Other residents were threatened in their homes. And this is Ealing!

The community was heart-broken by the mindless thuggery which inflicted such damage on our much-loved neighbourhood - nevertheless, people were up and out the following day to take part in a massive clean-up operation and to reclaim the streets. Councillors, council officers, emergency services and the local street-cleaners all joined in to do a brilliant job.

I was incredibly impressed by the spirit on display amongst local businesses and residents in the wake of the dreadful night, but I also felt huge anger at the waste and destruction caused by young yobs with nothing better to do than to smash and loot. I welcome the Prime Minister's words that those found guilty of taking part in the riot will face the full force of the law. I also want to see our police given the confidence and the authority to tackle these outbreaks with much greater strength next time round. We need a robust response.

I was also delighted that the Prime Minister recalled Parliament to discuss these appalling matters. Ealing needs to be heard."



10 August 2011


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