Countdown To the London Marathon

Spain, Newcastle and the Welsh Hills - less than 8 weeks to go to Marathon day. . .


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Countdown To the London Marathon

Hills,streams, canals and Paris

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So since I last updated you, half term has gone by – in which I went with the family to Spain for 5 days – a great chance to get a few warm runs in – although coming back to the frozen UK, the motivation was lost a bit last week.

I went up to Newcastle this weekend and had a lovely 10 mile run along the Tyne with a friend of mine in glorious sunshine (a shock for everyone concerned!). 

I’ve been purchasing protein shakes and gels to help both during and post run recovery – I just need to have a nice long run to give me a good excuse to use them.

I’ve also just finished reading a training for the marathon book, in which the guidance is to reduce the training to avoid injuries – so I’m sticking to that option (although I’m pretty sure I should be doing more than a run a week at the moment).

This coming weekend I am back in Wales to see my in-laws, so I am planning a very hilly 16 mile run first thing on Saturday morning, hopefully the sun will keep shining for me – and then I can feel smugly happy for the rest of the weekend that I have got my long run in!

My ears are now back to functioning correctly having had them sorted by the doctor and the aches and pains have so far stayed away for the most part.

I will keep you all updated on my progress, which I hope will be increasing again over the coming weeks and if you would like to sponsor my effort, then please feel free to donate at my fundraising  page for Children with Cancer :

Thank you.

This week's motivational comment to myself: “We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.” ? Emil Zatopek


Rich Baker



4th March 2013


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