Countdown To the London Marathon

Hills, streams, canals and Paris - all part of Rich Barker's Marathon training


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Countdown To the London Marathon

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The days are supposed to be getting warmer, but I can't say that I have noticed much over the past 2 weeks! My running has however improved significantly (everything is relative) and I have been out for a few 7 miles runs a 9 mile run with a friend up and down a mountain (well a hill in Surrey - but mainly through mud and very cold streams) and a lovely (!) 14 mile run along the canal between Paddington and Greenford.

Unfortunately I missed out on the 'long run' in my training schedule this weekend due to a pre-organised trip to Paris to watch the France v Wales rugby match - although it was a good weekend away, and I feel a s tired as if I have run a full marathon.

Next up is to try some interval training - and hopefully now that the mornings and evenings are both seeing more light either side of the working day, I should be able to get out for longer runs during the week.

Also - still planning a run with the Ealing Eagles - but due to a slight hearing problem (possibly due to running with bud-style headphones and not allowing the sweat to escape), I have a couple of blocked ears at the moment, so running is a bit uncomfortable, until I get them seen to this coming Wednesday. Everyone says that you find pain in places you never think existed when you start running, and I must say that having some blocked ears due to running is a bit odd.

I got my running number yesterday - a sudden realisation that thing is actually going to happen.

I will keep you all updated on my progress, which I hope will be
increasing again over the coming weeks and if you would like to
sponsor my effort, then please feel free to donate at my fundraising
page for Children with Cancer :

This week's motivational comment to myself: "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." ? Dean Karnazes



13th February 2012


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