That Was The Year That Was

A lookback what has made the news in Ealing in 2011

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2011 will be remembered for the unprecedented events that took place in London and in Ealing on the night of August 8th - but here are a few other stories


Ealing Parking Costs Shoot Up
Some motorists will pay double the amount they paid last year

Former Tory Peer Found Guilty of Expenses Fraud
Majority verdict for Ealing's Lord Taylor at Southwark Crown Court

Former Council Leader Jason Stacey to Stand Down
Conservative councillor to make way for new leader



HMV in Ealing Closes Down
Impact of Westfield blamed - the store is 'no longer viable'

Ealing Cinema - Empire 'Fully Committed'
Work should start 'as soon as possible'

Massive Explosion in South Ealing
Roof blown off house and injured man questioned about the Carlyle House blast


Job Cuts, Centre Closures But Council Tax Freeze
Ealing's budget to lose 55 million over next three years

Security Man Hurt in Raid at Northfields Station
British Transport Police appealing for any witnesses

71 Year Old 'Predator' Jailed for Gross Indecency Against Children
Abuse spanned more than 40 years


New Arts Project For Ealing
Year long scheme bringing workshops and arts sessions to the community

Hands Off Northfields Library!
Residents show their support by signing a petition against the proposed closure

Bulldozers at the Green Man Lane Estate
Residents see phase one of major housing demolition programme begin


Administrators Seize Ealing Shopping Centre
Irish Government agency wins bid to wind up Glenkerrin

Justice For Anton Hyman
Parents hope march and conference will reveal new information on unsolved murder


Major Blow for Pitzhanger House Makeover
Bid to secure million pound grant has been turned down

Former Tory Peer From Ealing Jailed For Expenses Fraud
Judge said scandal had 'left 'indelible stain on Parliament'

Game, Set and Match On!
Demetri gets his racket

Council Announce U-Turn Over Proposed Library Closures
The four under threat will now stay open but mobile service will shut


The Southall Shed People
Jon Snow exposes 'landlords from hell'

World War 2 Bomb Found in W13
Residents evacuated from Hessel Road

Pavements For People.. Not Vans
Anger and apology after van parks on newly laid flagstones in South Ealing

Is This The End Of Empire?
Council seeking to start proceedings to buy derelict and neglected cinema site

Grand Opening for Thai Tho
One of Ealing's top thai restaurants has a new look


August was dominated by the riots in London and Ealing.
Read in full what happened in the newsletters throughout this month

Riots Hit Ealing
Cars and buses set alight, shops looted as gangs terrorise the streets

Shocking Night of Violence and Destruction
Shops looted, and residents forced to flee as buildings set on fire

16 Year Old Remanded Over Richard Bowes Murder
His 31 year old mother in court accused of perverting the course of justice   

Ealing's Police Chief Breaks Down
As he recounts the bravery of his outnumbered force


Help Them Get Back On Their Feet
Show your support for local businesses

A Top Class Community Fundraiser
All differences put aside for a night... raising money and morale

Shooting Outside Black George Pub in West Ealing
Uxbridge road closed for a time after early morning gun attack

Anger As Garden Waste Collection Charges Approved
Conservatives say the plans are 'outrageous'

Fire Causes Rush Hour Disruption in West Ealing
Roof collapses during blaze at a block of flats off the Uxbridge Road

A Funeral to Heal a Community
Viv Ellis reflects on today's service for Richard Mannington Bowes


Ealing House Breaks The £3 Million Barrier
Property in Woodville Gardens becomes the dearest local home

Human Remains Found By Workman in West Ealing
Forensic investigation underway to try and discover more information

Jailed For Life for Stabbing Ealing Police Officers
Praise for policemen seriously injured tackling violent armed criminal


Apology for 'Terrible Legacy' of Abuse at St Benedict's School
Headteacher speaks out and accepts Lord Carlile's recommendations

Battle For Reynard Mills ...Part Two
New planning application submitted and residents vow to fight on

More Wallabies Killed at Bunny Park
Police now investigating a series of attacks at Brent Lodge


'Thug' Jailed For His Part in Ealing Riots
23 year old was on bail when he got involved in August 8th spree of violence

The Man From Empire - He Say Yes!
Work to begin on Ealing's cinema in 2012 - (oh my!)

Council Tax Freeze But Garden Fees to Apply
Mixed news for Ealing residents from Council meeting

What will 2012 bring?

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December 2011

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