Rapist Threatened Former Partner From Jail

30 year old Peter Grice sentenced to nine years for 'frightening attack'


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A man has been jailed for nine years for raping his former partner and arranging to send threatening messages to her whilst he was on remand.

On 30 June 2011, Peter Grice, 30, of Wolverton Gardens, W5, made a series of phone calls from public phone boxes to the victim who agreed to meet up with him.

He drove her into an alleyway behind Station Parade junction with Belvue Road, Northolt and subjected her to two knife point rapes, telling her to drop ongoing theft and criminal damage charges.

Following his arrest he was remanded in custody and from prison he enlisted the assistance of a prison mate, Terry James Elsmore, 28, of Loxwood Close, Feltham, Middlesex and jointly they arranged for a text message to be sent by an accomplice which suggested that the victim had made a false complaint of rape. Grice and Elsmore were both arrested and charged with intending to pervert the course of justice.

After a ten day trial at Harrow Crown Court, on Friday 9 March, both defendants were found guilty.

Additionally, on Tuesday 24 April at Harrow Crown Court, Elsmore was sentenced to a years imprisonment for perverting the course of justice.

Peter Grice, 30 years of Wolverton Gardens, Ealing, had previously appeared at court on Friday 9 March and was convicted of two counts of rape, one count of theft, one count of criminal damage, two counts of perverting the course of justice, one count of possession of an offensive weapon. He was sentenced to seven years for two counts of rape and a further two years for perverting the course of justice. The sentences will run consecutively.

Detective Sergeant Peter Walker of Sapphire said: 'This was a frightening attack on an ex partner who bravely contacted police following her ordeal. I hope this conviction encourages any victims of sexual assault to come forward and speak to our specially trained Sapphire officers, who can offer access to the appropriate support whilst carrying out their investigations sensitively.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault we
encourage you to contact police. In an emergency dial 999 or to report a
crime anonymously, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111'.

26th April 2012




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