A Shakespearean Tale for Valentines Day |
The Comedy of Errors at Questors
What better than one of Shakespeare’s most light-hearted comedies? The first known performance of The Comedy of Errors was in 1594 as part of the Twelfth Night revels before the lawyers of Gray’s Inn. Based on two works by the Roman playwright Plautus, Shakespeare’s play depicts a society in which normal social and commercial relations break down as a result of a series of unforeseen coincidences. The plot revolves around two pairs of twins who have been separated as babies, and a husband and wife who have both resigned themselves to the other being lost forever. Needless to say, when everyone turns up in the same place at the same time errors and misunderstandings multiply at a furious rate. It is the most classic of farces, but one where the comedy is underpinned by a deep appreciation of what it means for twins to grow up apart from each other, a feeling of being without an essential part of oneself.
13th - 20th February in the Playhouse Performances: 13, 16-20 February at 7.45pm; 14 February at 2.30pm
February 8th, 2010