Protest Over Bankers Bonuses Hits West Ealing |
Ealing Trades Union Council preparing for national demo
Shoppers in West Ealing were handed leaflets as part of a trade union day of action against bankers bonuses. "We were overwhelmed by local support for our proest against these unbelievable bonuses. The public is facing huge cuts in our services and thousands are facing redundancy because of the financial bailout made to the banks. ''In Ealing the Council is slashing sports facilites for schoolkids, closing the Albert Dane Centre for the disabled, and sacking all our Park Rangers. That's only a small taste of what is coming, the effects on some disabled people and those on housing benefit don't bear thinking about. ''Meanwhile bankers are to get an estimated 7 billion pounds in bonuses on top of their inflated salaries. It's unreal and cannot be defended by anyone." 20 people took part in last week's protest and Eve Turner said that every single person they had spoken to in West Ealing was in support of the protest.
20 January 2011