That Was The Market That Was....

Local property and development stories over the past 12 months

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Heathrow Third Runway Approved
Campaigners pledge to fight on despite decision


Residents Accuse Council of Foul Play
Calls for investigation into Arcadia planning committee meeting


Ealing Property Prices Fall Sharply
Property transactions down by over 60%


Ealing Primary School Places Announced
As DFES publish their performance tables


Ealing Property Market Grinds to a Standstill
Less than one property a day changing hands in the area

Nearest and Dearest
Latest Property Sales for the Ealing area


Rents On The Rise - But So Are Arrears
Market shift as tenants in pricey properties fall behind with payments


Ealing Home Market Back from the Brink
Relief for agents as sales more than double


14,000 More Homes in Ealing by 2026?
Have your say on future plans for the borough

Council House Building Programme to Begin Again
11,174 on waiting list, local authority to build 68 new homes

Ealing Property Latest
Nearest and dearest - most recent home sales in the area


Ealing's Cinema - The Vision
and the reality..

Green Man Estate Redevelopment Plans
New web site for residents


Ealing Property Recovery Misfiring
Mixed messages coming from local homes market

Controversial Dickens Yard Development Given Green Light
Work expected to start in March 2010


Government Says No to Arcadia
Secretary of State says Ealing town centre plans 'inappropriate'

A David and Goliath Battle.....
but Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre is more than holding its own


December 30th,2009