Postcards From The Park Competition |
Closing date August 1st
We're lucky to have lots of great parks in Ealing - now is your chance to show them off to the rest of the country. Get your camer out and get snapping. ‘Postcards from the Park’ is a competition set up by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), BIG and GreenSpace. The aim is to highlight the unique part that parks play in community life and promotes the joint 'Parks for People' funding scheme, supported by HLF and BIG Lottery Fund. The competition closes on 1st August. The prizes All finalists and category winners will also win an overnight stay in London to attend the gallery event on Friday 3 September. The photos will also be turned into postcards for distribution at Lottery-funded venues and public parks across the UK. Information about the competition: What do you mean by a public park or green space?We are particularly looking for photos taken of your local public park. The park could be in a village, town or city and can either be local to where you live or a long way away in a place you are visiting; it must be publicly owned and not private. This excludes theme parks, car parks, private gardens or general open countryside. We also need the proper name of the park and its location with your entry so please make sure you include this information correctly. It does not matter if the park has been funded by HLF and BIG or not. Is there anything we should avoid taking photographs of?Please avoid taking photos which include:• obscene or offensive language and behaviour • scenes which might cause embarrassment • children (without parental permission) or strangers (without permission) Should I be wary of taking photos of people or children in the park?Yes. Where you can, please take extra care when taking photographs of other people you don’t know or their children; it’s essential you ask their permission to take and enter your shot. Please avoid submitting any photos of children in circumstances where the publication of the image might cause them any harm or embarrassment.
To find out more about the Competition please click on:
19 July 2010 |