Police Seek Stronger Powers to tackle Pitshanger Crime Wave |
Dispersal Order applied for
Police have applied for new powers to help deal with an increase in crime and anti social behavior (ASB) in the Pitshanger area. The Cleveland Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) say problems became more noticeable in May when there were two assaults. Other anti-social incidents have been ongoing which have involved a core group of around six youths, but numbers have now grown to around 20 – many coming from other parts of Ealing. Officers are dealing with an increase in shoplifting, abusive behaviour, graffiti, underage drinking and cannabis smoking – often in the alley behind the shops accessed from Curzon Road. Patrols have been increased with some success but police are in the process of applying to the council for a Dispersal Order. This gives them power to move any group of two or more people if they are deemed to have committed any anti-social behaviour. Police say this tactic has proved successful in other areas as it doesn’t rely on specific offences, only that ASB is deemed to have been committed. The DO would last for six months. There are currently six Dispersal Orders in operation in the borough including one in Ealing Broadway. Writing to the Pitshanger Community Association Sgt Steve Driscoll says: '' I would like to reassure local residents that this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated and will be robustly dealt with, using the maximum powers we have. I have heard stories of people not wanting to walk in the lane in the evening, children being taken to activities in cars rather being allowed to walk, shop staff being the subject of threatening and abusive behaviour and other reports of harassment. Myself and my team will do all we can to ensure that this stops.’’
July 23, 2009 |