Council May Double Number Of Parking Bays in Pitshanger Lane |
Current facilities inadequate say locals
The council may double the number of parking bays in Pitshanger Lane after thousands of people signed a petition objecting to the current provision. Traders started the petition over fears the proposed 13 bays to be installed as part of the Streets for People improvements would not be enough. They also wanted waiting times for those bays to be increased, allowing people to park for enough time to visit the hairdresser or have a meal. When the council originally consulted on the Streets for People improvements in December 2007, no stop and shop bays were included in the scheme. In May 2009 proposals were changed to introduce seven stop and shop bays, and six more were added in recent months. Under the new proposals the number will be more than doubled, with 27 of the 54 parking bays on the lane being designated for stop and shop. The waiting limit for those bays will also be increased from one to two hours. Walter Wyeth, the owner of The Pitshanger Bookshop, said: “Pitshanger Lane is looking better than ever thanks to the recent improvements, but many traders were frustrated over the parking issue. I’m really pleased the council is now paying attention to what we are saying and will be drawing-up new plans for more stop and shop bays.” Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, Cabinet member for Transport and Environment, said: ” Pitshanger Lane is a vibrant and much loved shopping area and we should be doing all we can to support local businesses like these in this tough economic climate. The people of Pitshanger have spoken and now we are listening. I am pleased we are changing our plans.
“Because the council originally consulted residents and businesses in the nearby area, it is only right that we now carry out further consultation on our plans to make 50% of the parking two hour stop-and-shop bays. This issue has been dragging on for a long time, so I’m also asking officers to draw-up these plans as soon as possible.”
June 17, 2010