Images of Ealing - Photo Exhibition

A 'diverse and interesting place'

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Pitzhanger Manor and PM Gallery


Neighbours' paper


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Ealing - as seen from a variety of different perspectives.

Photos entered for a competition organised by the Neighbours' Paper have been on display in the studio of the PM Gallery.

Well known and loved locations of Ealing Common, Walpole Park and the Town Hall were featured as well as a selection less known sites and recent scenic snow shots.

The organisers said the competition was designed to obtain personal responses to life in Ealing through the eye of the camera.

'We wanted to know how people see Ealing. On these walls you have the answer. People love the greenery, the gentleness and the warmth that radiates even through the snow.They love the Edwardian architecture and good taste in new buildings. Notable by their absence are any tower blocks. Absent also is any form of aggression in these photos.''

The winner was David Bowater for his unusual reflective glass window photo of Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre.


I particularly enjoyed runner up Katherine Connolly's selection. At just 14 she shows a great maturity and creative eye.

Plenty of others received commendations - their photos proving that there is much more to Ealing than often meets the eye.

Judging by the many comments in the guest book the exhibition was hugely popular - and proved to be good PR for Ealing too.

One person wrote: ''I've never been to Ealing before and if this is a fair representation it looks a rather diverse and interesting place.''

Another commented: ''1st visit to Ealing. These photos give a fascinating taste of the area, very diverse.''

As residents we may sometimes focus too much on the negatives of where we live but this exhibition was a pleasure to view showing a more positive side to our neighbourhood.

Joy summed it up when she wrote her thoughts:

'Very well observed, colourful and vibrant. There's real optimism about these subject matters.'


The studio at the PM Gallery was an ideal venue for such an exhibition (which has now finished) I hope there will be more like it.



Annemarie Flanagan


February 27th, 2010


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