They're At It Again....

Get off our pavements!

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Photos from Peter Leon

Pavements For People .. Not Vehicles


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Maybe the newly laid surfaces of South Ealing Road are too much of a temptation, but once again a local resident has photographed a heavy vehicle parking on the pavement to allow workers to carry out maintenance of a cash machine.

This is the latest evidence of 'pavement vandalism' by van drivers on South Ealing Road. Last summer local residents expressed anger after seeing a van illegally parked on the pavement outside Barclays Bank.

Forum member Peter Leon writes:

'' This morning (Friday April 27th) the HSBC bank decided to indulge in some "pavement vandalism" and emulate Barclays' antics last year further up the South Ealing Road by driving up onto South Ealing's new pavements. A large white Mercedes van, number plate YF61 OES and a couple of staff from Greenteam Services proceeded to park up on the pavement at about 11.00am and maintain and re-stock the standalone cashpoint on the corner of the South Ealing Road and Popes Lane outside Carpol Insurance Services.''


Local ward Councillor Phil Taylor has taken up the case and contacted those responsible.

He writes:

'' You will know that it is offence to park on the pavement and that such a heavy vehicle will quickly damage our new pavement. 

I note that the adjacent road has double yellow lines with a loading restriction.  I know that the road layout here has changed recently and it may well be that this restriction has changed recently.

'' You either need to service this machine outside the hours of the loading restriction or move the machine to another location.  Parking on the pavement is not an acceptable solution. 


His email has been sent on to Terry Walters, Bank Machine's Services Delivery Director. We await his reply.




30th April 2012  

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