Cuts To Park Ranger Service to be Reviewed

Decision is suspended and will be looked at again

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Job Cuts Expected For Ealing's Park Rangers






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At a 3.5 hour Ealing Council Overview and Scrutiny Meeting this evening the savage cuts to the Park Ranger service were 'Referred back To Cabinet'. What this means is that the decision is suspended until Ealing Council Cabinet reviews the decision.

This lights up just a tiny flame of hope for the 20 Park Rangers who have been put on 6 months notice of employment termination.

A number of aspects of  the budget cuts had been 'Called In' by Conservative and LibDem Councillors. But public opposition to the Ranger service cuts at the meeting far outwieghed opposition to any other cuts. Community organisions who spoke against the Ranger cuts included Friends of Blondin Park, Hanwell Community Forum, Brent River and Canal Society, Ealing Friends of the Earth and WEN.


Eric Leach

24 December 2010

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