Fewer Parking Tickets Being Issued in Ealing

But still a lot more than in neighbouring boroughs

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Ealing Council has issued fewer parking tickets in 2008/09 compared to the last year when Labour had control but it's still far higher than in Hounslow or Hammersmith and Fulham.

According to information from London Councils, figures show that over the three years since the Conservatives were elected parking tickets are down by around a third.

However Ealing has served around 120,000 more Penalty Charge Notices than our closest neighbours.

Party in power Year Total PCNs
Labour 2005/06 383,667
Conservative 2006/07 236,485
Conservative 2007/08 283,360
Conservative 2008/09 264,870


2008/2009 Total PCN
Ealing 264,870
Hounslow 147,300
Hamm + Fulham 139,085


Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services Cllr Phil Taylor claimed the figures proved that Labour had failed residents over parking tickets.

He said: '' It is very easy to raise revenue by maximising the number of tickets issued but it is far more important to encourage motorists to follow the rules and to ensure that tickets are only issued where rules are clearly breached.''

Nearly six million penalty charge notices were issued in London in 2008/09.

These were issued to people parking illegally, wrongly using bus lanes, committing moving traffic offences like stopping in yellow box junctions, or for contraventions under the London Lorry Control Scheme.

 Less than one per cent of these penalties are normally appealed through the independent Parking and Traffic Appeals Service (PATAS).

October 15, 2009


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