An Outstanding Primary - a Highly Cohesive Community

Christ The Saviour given top marks in surprise inspection


Christ The Saviour

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There will no doubt be celebrations at Christ The Saviour school in W5 today after Ofsted inspectors declared the primary to be 'outstanding'.

Teachers were given very little notice of the two-day inspection in September when four inspectors observed lessons, interviewed staff, scrutinized records, and spoke to pupils, as well as analysed staff and parent returns.

The report was judged against four criteria:

• The achievement of pupils
• The quality of teaching
• The behaviour and safety of pupils
• The leadership and management.

The school - London's largest Church of England Primary - has been declared outstanding in all four areas.

Comments in the report include: “Teaching is outstanding and brings the best out of each pupil…Pupils make rapid progress in English and mathematics and as a result, attainment is well above national averages across the school…

''Pupils’ behaviour and respect for each other are outstanding…Inspirational leadership from the executive head-teacher, who is ably supported by the senior leaders and managers and the governing body, ensures that the drive for improvement
is continuous…

''There is a culture of high aspiration and success for all…The school’s rapid
improvement since it opened is primarily due to the outstanding leadership of the…headteacher
and his senior leadership team. As a result, Christ the Saviour Primary School is a highly cohesive community”.

In a letter to parents the Chairman of the Governors, Father Andrew, pays tribute to the hard working staff:

'' This is a wonderful achievement for the whole school community. To have reached this point
after only one year is remarkable and puts a seal of excellence on our school. I would like to pay
warmest possible tribute on behalf of the Governors to the vision and skill of Raymond Prentice,
the Senior Leadership Team and all the staff. They have all worked so hard and together have
moved the school forward with obvious results on every level – academic, social and spiritual.
Our house was already in order!''


8th October 2012


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