Northolt High School - Must Do Better

Headteacher and Governor resign and school placed on special measures


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Parents of children at Northolt High School are being reassured that immediate action is being taken after the school failed its Ofsted.

The school was inspected 1st- 2nd February 2012 and judged to be the lowest grade (4) in all areas.

It was automatically placed on special measures (as per the Education Act 2005) because it is ''failing to provide its students with an acceptable standard of education and the persons responsible for leading, managing or governing the school are not demonstrating the capacity to secure the necessary improvement in the school''.

HMI, Anne Wellham, said that '' ...despite strong leadership in some areas, the school’s ability to identify and implement change is hindered by weaknesses and inconsistencies in leadership and management.''

The number of pupils achieving A* to C grades at GCSE has been below the national average for three years, teaching and learning was described as 'inadequate' and staff failed to make improvements since the inspection of 2008 which was deemed 'satisfactory'.

The Headteacher Chris Modi and Chair of Governors Lyn Woodcock both resigned following the highly critical report.

Ealing Council has stepped in this week to set out an emergency action plan.

Councillor Patricia Walker, cabinet member for Children and Young People said:

"As unsettling as this news may be for pupils, parents and staff I would urge them all to see this as a positive move. This is an opportunity for the school to benefit from a group of experts, including a very experienced and successful head, that are focused on quickly and effectively turning Northolt High School around.''

The headeatcher of neighbouring Brentside School, Arwell Jones, will be helping out as executive head, and current deputy head, Julie Porter, will manage the school until a new head is found.

Mr Jones said: '' "I appreciate that this is a difficult and unsettling time however, the Northolt High School has many strengths and I hope that, with the support of the staff and parents, it can be turned around to achieve rapid and sustainable improvements.

"This is a fresh start for the school and I am looking forward to the challenge."

Teaching will be monitored termly until a follow-up inspection in autumn 2013.

The new Chair of Governors, John Howard said:

'' Whilst this has been a difficult time for the school, we are excited by the opportunities that new leaders and governors, working together with our committed staff and the Local Authority, bring to ensure that Northolt High School quickly becomes the effective and successful school that our students deserve.''

A letter has been sent explaining what is happening with a meeting planned on Thursday 22nd March.



16th March 2012


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