Jailed For Making Too Much Noise

Resident ignored injunction and made neighbour's life misery


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A Northolt resident has been sentenced to one year imprisonment after being found guilty of five breaches of an anti-social behaviour injunction which prevented him from making noise at his property.

On 18 December 2012, the Brentford County Court heard that despite being served with the injunction in October, Mr Ryan Elliott of Greenhill Gardens continued to play excessively loud music at his property, as well as shout, bang and throw around his possessions.

The injunction was served to Mr Elliott after he consistently ignored warnings from officers and following the seizure of his stereo, speakers and television. The injunction also meant Mr Elliot could have no more than three people in his house at once or could not communicate with his neighbours while the proceedings took place.

From October to December, council officers witnessed five breaches of the injunction and gathered enough evidence to bring the case before court.

Councillor Julian Bell, leader of Ealing Council, said: “This is the first time the council’s noise nuisance team has worked to bring a housing anti-social behaviour case to court and it is a good result.

“Mr Elliott clearly had no regard for his neighbours and persistently ignored our warnings. Neighbours had endured the noise for months and some were experiencing ill health as a result. This type of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and, as Mr Elliott has found out, can lead to a jail sentence. He will now have to deal with the consequences of his actions from behind bars.”

The council deals with around 4000 reports of excessive noise nuisance every year. Residents affected by a noise nuisance can seek advice and report an issue via the council's website or by calling 020 8825 8111


9th January 2012

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