Save Our National Health Service

Ealing Campaigners encouraged by growing public protest


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Comment on this story on the

Since we last wrote in March there has been a huge public response both in support for the National Health Service and opposition to Andrew Lansley’s Health and Social Care Bill.

Our thanks to the many local people writing to their MPs and supporting the 38degrees campaign (online petition is now nearly 430,000.)

In the news we have heard about privatised care companies that have run into all kinds of difficulties - including client abuse.

A city health analyst quoted in yesterday's Observer (5 June) said he couldn't get his head round how a current private deal with the NHS could work and make 'real money'.

Most of us think this is precisely the problem with privatisation. No company should be making “real money” from the sickness or care of UK citizens. Despite government claims that they are not privatising the NHS, if this Bill is passed unchanged the door is open to just that.

The Bill allows them to choose (and possibly profit from) health care from any independent qualified provider whether in the private, not - for - profit or public sector and with little public accountability.

With no top down management the idea is that “the market” will be the control.

A competitive market in health care would evolve as happened to privatised utilities like the railways and water. But, problems revealed in the recent Inquiry findings of the 2002 Potters Bar rail crash show the dangers of privatisation.

The Health Service is no different. Yes there are rising costs and an aging population. But there’s been no explanation of how Lansley’s Bill will address these.

The Government tells us we’re broke, hence the cuts, but an increasing group of economists question this strategy stating our debt is within acceptable international limits and the NHS excellent value for money.

Recently the Government backed off privatising the Blood Transfusion Service after Unite the Union’s “Stop the Blood Money” Campaign.

Help us support our national treasure! We can succeed!

Judy and Arthur Breens Campaigners Save the NHS Now Ealing

David Cameron came to Ealing Hospital on May 16th to speak about NHS changes but the general public were not admitted.

However, we invite you to hear the case against the Bill.

Ealing Trades Union Council has organised impressive speakers on the NHS and the case for alternatives to public service cuts. Don’t miss the opportunity to come and hear them.

Thursday 9 June 7.30pm Ealing Town Hall

Katy Clark MP Katy Clark has built up a reputation as a relentless campaigner for working people and an excellent speaker

Dr John Lister, director of London Health Emergency is Britain’s most well known campaigner
to defend the NHS – now facing privatisation

Andrew Fisher is a key spokesperson for the Left Economics Advisory Panel and will
present an explanation of the economic crisis and alternatives to the cuts



6 June 2011


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