Bits and Pieces of Hollyhocks Raise Over a Thousand

Mosaic art helps The Log Cabin

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A local artist who raffled off a piece of her work has helped raise over a thousand pounds for The Log Cabin in Northfields.

For the past 18 months Rosanna Henderson, a mosaic artist, has been a volunteer working with children at The Log Cabin

As part of the project she also made various large cut out mosaics which now decorate the building including a seven foot high tree.

Hollyhocks Mosaic Raffle Draw. Left to right:  Steven Grove, winner. Richard Palfreeman, Chief Executive Northfields Estate Agents, Vivien Dymock, Fundraising Manager Log Cabin, Rosanna Henderson Mosaic Artist.

This 4 foot high mosaic  (above) entitled ‘Hollyhocks’ was raffled at £1 per ticket. Northfields Estate Agents - a long term supporter of The Log Cabin - housed the mosaic for viewing as well as printing the tickets.

Chief Executive Richard Palfreeman drew the winning ticket which belonged to Ealing resident Steven Groves who said:
''I am delighted to win this beautiful mosaic. It is fantastic to win the prize and at the same time support the Log Cabin''.

All the monies raised will go to the Log Cabin which aims to buy equipment for the art room.

The Log Cabin in Northfields offers an inclusive place for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs to have fun, make friends and have short breaks.

It is open all year round to 300 children aged 4-15 who come after school, on Saturdays and all day in the holidays.

Rosanna would like to thank everyone who bought tickets and supported this raffle.

She wants to especially thank Northfields Estate Agents, Richard Palfreeman and Sam Sukro .

The project at The Log Cabin continues and Rosanna has already started work on a second tree!

Working mostly to commission, Rosanna currently has her work exhibited at The Court Farm Garden Centre in Worcester Park. If you are interested in seeing more of her work, discussing a commission or having a mosaic lesson, contact her as follows:
Facebook: Rosanna’s Mosaics
Tel: 07961 134 033

To find out more about The Log Cabin and see the fantastic work they do visit:








27th January 2014