Northfield Councillor Turns on the Olympic Charm

Unanimous praise for the thousands of volunteers

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Northfield Conservative Councillor, David Millican, has been busy this summer, helping out as one of the thousands of volunteers for the Olympics.

Over 70,000 Games-Makers (in purple and red uniforms) and London Ambassadors - dressed in their distinct pink and purple uniforms - have received overwhelming praise for their work and attitude throughout the Olympics and Paralympics.

London 2012 Chairman, Lord Sebastian Coe has described them as 'the best of British'

They've been responsible for 800 different roles, from directing spectators to and from venues, to carrying athletes' kit from the track.

The Ambassadors have been helping guide visitors round the traffic hubs of London.

This London 2012 army of volunteers is the largest ever - 23,000 more than at the Sydney Games in 2000.

Councillor Millican said:

"Its been such fun as an Olympic volunteer managing a team of London Ambassadors, where we've helped so many visitors to enjoy our great city.

"I have done lots of shifts working in the different Royal Parks in central London with the final one on the day of the Paralympic Marathon on Sunday.  I'll be right on Birdcage Walk so will be able to help so many people enjoy the spectacle."


Were you a Games- Maker or Ambassador? Send me your stories or pictures.





5th September 2012




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