Outrage After Ealing War Memorial Defaced

Pink graffiti over roll of honour for war dead

Ealing's memorial to those killed in the first and second world wars has been defaced.

The shocking photograph below - sent to us courtesy of www.stephenbrooksphotography.co.uk shows the stone wall outside Pitzhanger Manor House on Ealing Green.

Pink graffiti over the memorial covers the dedication and appears to be a comment which may relate to the recent Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill approved in parliament last week.

The memorial was originally dedicated 13th November 1921 and is the location for Ealing's November Remembrance Day Services.There are 1,058 names from World War 1 and 512 for World War 2 listed.

Ealing Council Leader Julian Bell said:

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''The names of 1,570 people who laid down their lives in the First and Second World Wars are carved into the memorial so I am appalled that someone would desecrate their memory in this way.

“As soon as it was reported we sent out a team who have now removed the graffiti.”

A council spokesperson added that CCTV footage from the area is being checked to see if the culprit can be identified.



11th February 2013

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