Origins Of Mattock Lane

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Mrs D Gill has sent in the query below to Ealing Today - can anyone help?

My direct forebears were a long line of males called John Mattock going back to the early 17th century.

They were, until the 19th century Agricultural Labourers, Graziers and b. Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire.

In the nearby village of Smeeton Westerby in 1839, my Gt. Grandfather Richard Mattock was b. to Framework Knitters, Agricultural Labourers, Graziers,and Licensed Victuallers.

The story handed down was that one of the John Mattocks b. in the 18th century went to London and eventually owned a lot of property.

He certainly existed and did go to London because his Father John’s will of the 1770’s referred to “my son John of London.”

Is there any record of the origins of the naming of your local Mattock Lane?

Please add any information to the forum or email



25th March 2014




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