Can You Help The Log Cabin?

Mosaic Art Project needs donations


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Rosanna Henderson Mosaic Artist writes:

I am delighted and very excited to be working in partnership with Vivien Dymock of the Log Cabin on a mosaic art community project.

We aim to create and make a range of mosaic art pieces to go into their sensory garden. The mosaics will be vibrant, original and unique, giving the garden a sense of fun and colour. Mosaics are a very tactile medium which works perfectly in this kind of environment.

The Log Cabin, founded 34 years ago, provides respite care, play and leisure opportunities for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs. Open all year round for After School Club, Holiday Playschemes and Saturday Club, the Log Cabin gives 300 children aged 4-15 the chance to make friends and enjoy themselves in ways that other children take for granted. They help children and young people to develop a sense of independence, confidence and self-respect, to deal with significant life changes and challenges and to learn skills that will equip them to cope with life in the future.

I will be spending a day a week at the Log Cabin for approx. 9 months. Once all the mosaics have been made we intend to have a launch party next year and invite all those that have been involved and our supporters. We see this as being a very strong community project with lots of different people getting involved including the children and young people, staff, local business and traders.


I am giving all my time and expertise for free but we do need help with supplies of plywood and monetary donations so we can buy the mosaic tiles. If you would like to donate supplies, money, time or just get involved, please call me on 07961 134 033.



21st August 2012

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