Money to Burn?

Perceval House lights at Christmas and New Year

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The photo on the right shows the fully lit Ealing Council House at night.

Nothing too unusual about it apart from the fact that it was taken in the evening (at 1950) on New Year's Day by a concerned local resident.

It follows an earlier photo from Christmas morning - again showing a brightly Perceval house.

Ealing council said essential staff were working on Christmas Day and the lighting system is controlled by a sensor system.

However, the Ealing Today forum member who sent the images has complained to the council - he told us:

'' Given that the UK was trying to lead the world on climate change issues and many other councils have signed up to the 1010 campaign it's a disgrace that Ealing council leaves lights that will waste huge amounts of energy needlessly.''

Ealing council has not officially signed up to 1010 (a campaign to reduce energy waste) but has a target of reducing Council carbon emissions by 30% by 2013, and reducing Borough wide emissions by 10% by 2011.

Ealing Common Liberal Democrat Councillor (and PPC) Jon Ball says it's not good enough:

''The Council, Business and Community Partnerships Scrutiny Panel has looked into the issue of the lights in Perceval House and reports were written about it in 2007 and 2008, but your pictures amply show that the Council have still not resolved this.

''If the council can't sort out an issue as simple as the lights in their own HQ in two and a half years, it's no wonder that they're reluctant to agree to a commitment of a 10% cut in their carbon emissions this year!''

Nic Ferriday from Ealing Friends of the Earth is also concerned:

''Climate change is nowhere in the council's priorities, but saving money certainly is.

''Leaving on lights not only contributes to climate change; it also costs money to council taxpayers.''


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