Future of Ealing's Libraries - Time For The Details

Report now be available online


Draft Ealing Library Strategy

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Residents are being invited to review and discuss the council’s report on the future of the borough’s library services.

It follows last week's U-turn on proposals to close four libraries in the borough.

The council’s overview and scrutiny committee will meet on Tuesday, 28 June at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall to discuss a detailed report that outlines its proposals to develop the borough’s library services.

The cabinet report would normally be available from Monday, 27 June but - following a number of complaints - the report is now available here to give people an opportunity to look at it before the meeting.

The report includes the results of a six-week public consultation that more than 3,000 residents and library users took part in. The committee will explore options for how libraries could be run in the future.

Leader of the council, Councillor Julian Bell, said: “The consultation highlighted two things, residents’ passion for the libraries and some interesting concepts for the council to consider working with community organisations to deliver the services. We will continue to explore these options over the coming months.

“We are determined to deliver a high-quality library service that serves all residents across the borough. This meeting is the first opportunity to look at how we can work with volunteers and community groups.

“We have been committed to asking residents’ views before making any decisions. This meeting is the next step of the process.”

Opposition leader, Councillor David Millican said: '' We need a quality library service to serve the needs of all members of our community. So we were pleased that the Labour Council have agreed to keep open all four libraries, which Labour threatened to close.

''However we now await to see how they propose to do this. Some community organisations may be able to run some libraries, but we don't want a two tier service, and we need to see quality business plans. I look forward to seeing the Council's proposals as to how they will keep the libraries open.''

The meeting being held in the Liz Cantell room of Ealing Town Hall is open to members of the public.

Anyone wishing to ask specific questions or to speak at the meeting must contact Keith Fraser, head of scrutiny and committees on 020 8825 7497 or email fraserk@ealing.gov.uk by midday on Monday 27 June.

Recommendations from the meeting will be presented to the council’s cabinet when they consider the report at their meeting on Tuesday, 5 July at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall.



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21 June 2011 

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